Home Renovation Trends (with a venetian plaster twist)

Looking for a new home feel?  If you are looking into home improvements you’ve probably already hit up Google and Pinterest looking for inspiration. Reading trend articles are always contradictory, you’ll read ten lists in a row covering all the same trends then the next list will tip the table, shuns the mainstream and invites a little bit of doubt to enter your vision board.

The thing with home improvement is that bold trends come and go, classic style is always a crowd-pleaser, getting the basics right is essential and if you are devoted to a style and love the hell out of it you should do it for yourself because you live there and you should do what you want. You deserve it.

We’ve devoured the home style trends lists and applied our Natural Wall Finishes twist for you if you are considering venetian plaster looks or custom feature walls in your home this year.

Image result for venetian plaster room wide
Photo: Haute Residence

Make every wall the feature wall

Accent or feature walls have been a popular choice in home renovations for quite a while as a way to create a statement in a room and draw the eye. However if you love a colour, pattern or texture enough, why not be bold and go all out and plaster it throughout the room.

White or low colour tint toned venetian polished plaster room wide is perfect if you want a subtle way to dip your toe into or bold colours and textures can be paired together to provide a knockout for the senses and evoke your personal vibe.

Photo: Work by Natural Wall Finishes

See this Natural Wall Finish project using polished plaster in different colour tones throughout a home in Brisbane

Related image
Photo: Houzz.com.au

Marble effect venetian plaster

Marble is still hot. The upkeep (and cost) of real stone is not.

Using venetian plaster you can create faux marble effects perfect for fireplaces, kitchen splash backs, bathrooms, walls and ceilings.

White Venetian Plaster Ceiling with Silver Wax_Work by Natural Wall Finishes
Photo: Work by Natural Wall Finishes

Subtle luxe vibe

Stark white, can be well stark, but also exude crisp luxury style. Create a softer and more welcoming home using the subtle textures that can be brought to life with white venetian polished plaster on walls and ceilings.

Natural colours

We love that earthy and natural colours are on trend again, bringing nature indoors using natural products is our jam. Review our colour tone and texture suggestions.

Eucalypt greens

Photo: Interiors Online

🍃 Plaster suggestion: Polished venetian plaster

🍃 Colour tones: NL

Interior Tint 02
Photo: Venetian Plaster Shop


Travervine feature wall in white - Natural Wall Finishes
Travertine feature wall

🍃 Plaster suggestion: Travertine – a dragged textured walls that has a sand like look

🍃 Colour tones: GG

Interior Tint 01
Photo: Venetian Plaster Shop


After: A dramatic texture feature wall that you want to look at

🍃 Plaster suggestion: Polished venetian plaster

🍃 Colour tones: NA, SC

Interior Tint 02

Interior Tint 03
Photo: Venetian Plaster Shop

Earthy browns

🍃 Plaster suggestion: Polished venetian plaster

🍃 Colour tones: GF, GE, GD, GC

Interior Tint 01
Photo: Venetian Plaster Shop

Continue your research with our reading list / sources:

🍃 https://www.homestolove.com.au/interior-design-trends-2020-20878

🍃 https://interiorsonline.com.au/blogs/inspiration/10-inspiring-interior-design-trends-for-2020

🍃 https://www.elledecor.com/design-decorate/trends/g29859422/design-trends-2020/

🍃 https://www.housebeautiful.com/design-inspiration/g29931199/2020-home-decorating-trends/

🍃 https://www.homebeautiful.com.au/top-home-interior-design-trends-2020

We would love to create a stunning feature wall finish for you

Contact us if you’ve been inspired to create a venetian plaster look for your home in 2020. Also check out our completed projects for further inspiration.